2024 PCM Data Book Released

2024 PCM Data Book Released

We are thrilled to announce the release of PCM’s annual data book The Business Case for Conservation in the June issue of Prairie Farmer Magazine! This report highlights data gleaned from farmers in Illinois regarding the financial, agronomic, and environmental impact of in-field conservation practices.

Takeaways include:

  • Higher yields do not always equal higher profitability.
  • More than two passes of heavy tillage is never profitable compared to lighter tillage systems. Strip tillage is also proving to be a profitable option.
  • The past 9 years of data have shown that nitrogen applications over MRTN rates are less profitable.
  • Cover crops are the most effective tool for improving water quality and soil health, although profitability remains a challenge. Several cost-share opportunities are available to farmers through PCM and other programs.

NEW: While this data book focuses on high-SPR soil data, PCM has also published low-SPR data here.

Webinar Series

PCM is partnering with farmdoc for a 3-part webinar series covering data and recommendations gleaned from the last 9 years of PCM data. Register here.

  • June 20: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Conservation Practices
  • August 1: Balancing Profitability and Sustainability: PCM’s Latest Insights
  • September 5: Maximizing Returns on Challenging Soils: PCM’s Low SPR Findings

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