NEW PepsiCo Incentive Payment Program

- Each field can have 2 years of “New” cover crops. One before corn and one before soybeans.
- To be eligible for the MRTN insurance buy-up, you must:
- Have 3 years of data in the PCM Portal and an annual average nitrogen rate at least 10% above MRTN
- Have EVERY corn acre enrolled into PCM to find annual average and for tracking
- Demonstrate that additional crop insurance coverage was purchased over previous years
- Apply the MRTN rate on every corn acre
- There is no cap on number of acres per farmer
- All acres submitted for incentive payment must be enrolled into PCM
- Farmer cannot be participating in any other carbon/ecosystem service market or claims system for acres in this program
- Carbon assets generated from participation in this program are being claimed by PepsiCo

Receive payments for new and/or old conservation practice and are all available to all Illinois PCM regions.