Cover Crop and Soil Health Field Day

Join us for a cover crop and soil health field day in Champaign County August 27th! Led by the IL Corn Growers and IL Soybean Association’s Precision Conservation Management program, we will be highlighting the management practices of the Rademacher farm and hear from speakers focused on what best management practices in Illinois are working. Registration will start at 7:30am and meeting kick off will start at 8am. During the field day we will not only hear from IL researchers and farmers, but we also plan to be out in the field looking at a cover crop demonstration plot and soybean field plot. Find how cover crops can work in your system weather you’re just starting out or wanting to advance to the next level. We hope this field day will provide you with the resources you need to have a successful cover crop experience!
Practical Soil Health Systems
Rademacher Field Day August 27th, 2021
Coffee and doughnuts included with registration and lunch is provided.
Please RSVP Field Day Registration ( call Luke Rund 309-336-0765