PCM Specialist Leyton Brown serves the East-Central Illinois Region
From cost-share opportunities to the latest farm conservation technology, Leyton is ready to help you bring regenerative practices and data-driven business management to your farm. Reach out today to get started!
Leyton Brown
Leyton serves as the Conservation Specialist for the East-Central Region of Illinois. He grew up on a grain farm in Morrisonville, IL, where he helped with his father’s and brother’s operations. He attended Lincoln Land Community College before transferring to the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He received his master’s degree in Technical Systems Management, with a concentration in soil and water quality and minors in Crop and Soil Management and in Food and Agribusiness Management.
After graduating, Leyton worked for the University of Illinois in the Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department as the Project Manager for a USAID funded project, the Appropriate Scale Mechanization Consortium. The consortium aimed to facilitate mechanization and the sustainable intensification of agriculture in developing countries, namely Senegal, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, and Bangladesh.
Leyton currently lives in Urbana with his wife, Alyssa and their dog, Addie. They are both avid Illini fans, spending a lot of their Saturday afternoons at Memorial Stadium or evenings at State Farm Center. Leyton also enjoys hunting when he gets the chance, hosting and cooking for his friends and family, and getting a workout in with his friends at UAVE CrossFit.
Leyton joined PCM because he believes in our message and methodology of bridging the gap between maximizing net profit and implementing sustainable practices. He believes conservation agriculture is one of the most critical issues that the agriculture sector faces, and he is excited to play a role in finding the best solutions for IL farmers to address it.