Farmers for Soil Health

Statewide Cover Crop Payments

Farmers for Soil Health is a pay-for-practice program that provides payments to farmers for planting cover crops.

PCM serves as the technical advisor for this program in Illinois, Nebraska and Kentucky. Enrolling in this program puts farmers in a prime position to take advantage of current and future marketplace that compensates farmers using conservation practices.

If you’re interested in enrolling in Farmers for Soil Health, you can enroll directly on their website OR reach out to your PCM Specialist for assistance. 

Visit FSH Website

Available statewide in all PCM states

Farmers for Soil Health is available statewide in 20 states. Learn more on their website here


Farmers enrolled in FSH are eligible to receive up to $50 per acre for cover crops planted over a 3 year period. If you opt out of planting cover crops for andy one of the three years, you can still recieve the two highest payments for the years you do plant cover crops. Tillage practices, grazing and haying cover crops do not impact your eligibility for this program.

FSH payments are federal funds, and cannot be stacked with other state or federal programs. Talk to your specialist to understand program exclusions and stacking opportunities.


– Valid email address
– Paperwork: W-9, FSA Subsidiary Print, FSA 165ez, FSA Maps
– Enrollment deadline: February 28, 2025

Contract length: 3 years, option to opt-out
Verification by satellite in April.

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