Get paid for Cover Crops, Nitrogen Reduction & Reduced Tillage
This exclusive PCM program was designed by PCM and PepsiCo to help farmers account for the conservation practice benefits they produce in PepsiCo’s supply chain. Farmers are paid for practices and PepsiCo uses the carbon credits produced to account for supply chain emissions reductions.
PCM farmers are eligible to recieve payments for new or existing practices.
The PepsiCo program is available regionally in Nebraska, Illinois & Kentucky
Contact your regional PCM Specialist to see if your farm qualifies.

Farmers enrolled in PCM are eligible to receive up to $35 per acre for conservation practices through this program. There is no cap on number of acres per farmer, and practice payments are stackable with state or federal programs!

Carbon credits from enrolled acres are claimed by PepsiCo. Acres enrolled cannot be part of another carbon/ecosystem service/sustainability marketplace. Talk to your specialist to understand program exclusions and stacking opportunities.
– All acres must be enrolled into PCM.
– W-9 Form
– Each field can have 2 “new” years of cover crops (one ahead of corn, and one ahead of soybeans).
– To be eligible for MRTN or 10% N reduction payment, additional requirements may apply.
Contract length: 1 year
Payments issued in the summer after verification by your PCM Specialist.